Get to know Ulaa
How to Install Ulaa on a Linux Machine Using Flatpak?
To install Ulaa on a Linux machine using Flatpak, follow the steps below: 1. Visit to configure Flatpak on your Linux machine based on your distribution. 2. After setting up Flatpak, to install Ulaa using a script, open ...
How to delete your Ulaa account?
Deleting your account will permanently and immediately remove the following data: Browser Sessions: This includes your browsing history, cookies, cache, saved passwords, and any other locally-stored information related to your online activities. ...
Must- have features
Ulaa helps you keep distractions at bay by streamlining your workflow online. The built-in features in Ulaa such as smart grouping, adblocker, tabs manager, bookmarks and more help you stay focused and productive. Tabs Manager Organize and manage ...
Download and install Ulaa
Ulaa is built to make your web experience fast, safe and secure. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards shady back door entries for advertisers. Our commitment towards data protection and transparency steers us to be one of the most responsible ...
Suggested Extensions for Developer Mode
Extensions help you customize your browsing experience by adding new functions and features that cater to specific needs. Ulaa has curated a set of extensions (JSON Viewer, CSS Viewer, and the likes) for the Developer mode. Install Suggested ...
Sign in and Sync
With Ulaa Sync, you can browse on the go! All your saved passwords, bookmarks, search histories and other preference can be synced across multiple devices. Note: Sync works only after you sign in to your Zoho Account. Don't have an account? Click ...
Popular Articles
Incognito mode
Assume that you are planning a surprise gift for your loved one's birthday, and you eventually end up searching for the top 10 gifts online- you wouldn't want your family to know the surprise gift, would you? Anyone can easily search the browsing ...
Anonymous stats
Ulaa believes that no one should compromise their privacy for a smooth browsing experience. We believe that you should have complete control over your identity online and your data should not be commoditized at any cost. But then, how will Ulaa ...
What is chromium and how Ulaa is different from chromium?
What is Chromium? Chromium is a set of open-source code written in C++ and a few other programming languages upon which popular browsers like Microsoft Edge, Chrome, and Brave are built. Many modern browsers utilize Chromium, establishing a stronger ...
Modes in Ulaa Switching between personal and work life is hard enough in real life. Should it be hard while using your browser too? That's why Ulaa offers five exclusive modes- Personal, Work, Kids, Developer, and Open Season mode- that help you ...
Release cycle
Ulaa releases a major version (new milestone) of browser updates, new features, and bug fixes every four weeks. This release is parallel with the release cycle of Chromium. What happens in the release cycle? Ulaa's release cycle involves the below ...