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Invite users into your organization

To invite users into your organization

  1. Login using your admin credentials
  2. Switch to Organization tab
  3. Select Manage Users
  4. On All Users tab, you can see the ZUID, name, email ID and role of the users.
  5. From the top right, select Add User
  6. Input the email addresses separated by comma and select Invite 

  1. In the Acceptance Pending tab, you'll find the email IDs of users who have not yet accepted or rejected the invitation.
  2. In the Rejected Invites tab, you'll find the email IDs of users who have declined the invitation.
  3. In the Failed Invites tab, you can see the email IDs of users to whom the invites were not successfully sent.

Caution: Sending invites is not possible even if there's one invalid email in the list. You can check the number of valid emails and the invalid ones.

  • Divya . S
  • Divya . S
  • Updated: 1 year ago
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