Common page loading error codes and issues

Common page loading error codes and issues

This article includes typical error codes you could see when attempting to visit a page in Ulaa along with their underlying causes. 


  • "Aw, Snap!": Ulaa is experiencing difficulties in loading the page.

  • ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED: The hostname (web address) does not exist.

  • ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED: The device is not connected to the internet.

  • ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT or ERR_TIMED_OUT: The page took too long to connect. This could be due to a slow internet connection or heavy traffic on the page.

  • ERR_CONNECTION_RESET: Something has occurred that has interrupted the connection to the page.

  • ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED: The device has disconnected from the network or connected to a new network while loading the page.

  • ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED: The page has not allowed Ulaa to connect.

  • ERR_CACHE_MISS: The page requires information that you had previously entered to be submitted again.

  • ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE: The website has not sent any data and may be down.

  • ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR: The page has sent data that Ulaa does not understand.

  • ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT: Signing into the website (such as a bank or work website) is not working due to an errored client certificate.


Visit ulaa://network-errors/ for a complete list of error codes.


You might also experience one or more of the following problems:


  • A site cannot be reached.

  • A website will not open.

  • An HTTPS site will not open.

  • A photo will not load.

  • A new tab will not load. 

For any additional queries or assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team 
Want to share your feedback? Write to us at 

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