How to enroll devices for your organization?

How to enroll devices for your organization?

Follow the steps below to download the enrollment details, which will assist you in enrolling devices within your organization. This process will equip you with the ability to enforce policies for users utilizing Ulaa on the devices you've enrolled. 

How to download Enrollment Details?

  1. Sign in to your Ulaa Admin Console.
  2. Click 'Switch to the Organization' on the top right corner.  (Skip this step if you are already on the Organization's view)
  3. Select the Devices menu.
  4. Click the Enrollment Details button (a blue button located at the right end of the screen).
  5. You will find the enrollment details there, and you can download it based on your operating system.

For end users' devices

Go to ulaa://flags and enable "Enterprise feature enrollment model"


  1. Once the download is complete, you will find a file named UlaaCloudManagement.reg.
  2. Double-click on the file to run it.
  3. A dialog box will appear asking if you want to allow changes to your registry. Click Yes to confirm.
  4. After the process finishes, you will see a message saying, "The keys and values have been successfully added to the registry."


1. Once the download is complete, you will find a file named UlaaCloudManagement.
2. Open terminal and type the command below line by line. 
3. Enter your system password when prompted.
cd ../../
sudo mkdir -p Library/Zoho/Ulaa/enrollment
4. Copy & paste the UlaaCloudManagement file into the directory: /Library/Zoho/Ulaa/enrollment (or) Open terminal at the download location and use the command given below
sudo mv UlaaCloudManagement Library/Zoho/Ulaa/enrollment
5. Restart Ulaa to apply the changes. 
Enrollment is mandatory; browser access is denied upon failure. This might happen if the Enrollment token or OrgId is incorrect. 


1. Once the download is complete, you will find a file named UlaaCloudManagement.
2. Open terminal and type the below commands and enter your system password when prompted.
cd ..
sudo mkdir -p /etc/opt/zoho/ulaa/policies/enrollment
3.Copy & paste the UlaaCloudManagement file into the directory: /etc/opt/zoho/ulaa/policies/enrollment (or) Open terminal at the download location and use the command given below
sudo mv UlaaCloudManagement  /etc/opt/zoho/ulaa/policies/enrollment
4. Restart Ulaa to apply the changes. 

Enrollment is mandatory; browser access is denied upon failure. This might happen if the Enrollment token or OrgId is incorrect.


  1. Open Ulaa on your Android device.
  2. Type ulaa://flags on the address bar and enable Enterprise feature enrollment model. Relaunch Ulaa to apply the changes.
  3. Tap on Settings, scroll down and and choose Enrollment.
  4. Fill all the fields. (Copy & paste the enrollment details)
  5. Select Done and Relaunch the browser. 


  1. Open Ulaa on your iOS device.
  2. Type ulaa://flags on the address bar and enable Enterprise feature enrollment model. Relaunch Ulaa to apply the changes.  
  3. Tap on Settings, scroll down and and choose Enrollment. 
  4. Fill all the fields. (Copy & paste the enrollment details)
  5. Select Save and Relaunch the browser. 
You can check if the devices are enrolled on the Devices page of the Admin Console.
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