- Download Ulaa.
- Open the command prompt in your Windows PC.
- Navigate to the downloaded file path and type the file name.
- Choose the command according to your need - System/User level.
To install Ulaa at the system level use --system_level
- System Level installation will install the Ulaa in "%ProgramFiles%\Zoho\Ulaa\Application"
- System level installation requires administrator privilege.
To install Ulaa at the user level, use --user_level
- User Level installation will install Ulaa in "%LocalAppData%\Zoho\Ulaa\Application"
To install Ulaa silently without any inference, use --silent
Note: Installations log will logged in 'ulaa_setup.log` adjacent to the Ulaa installation executable.
Example: .\Ulaa-Browser-Installer-v2.0.0.exe --system_level --silent