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Keyboard shortcuts helps you to work fast, efficient and precise, saving your time and energy. Ulaa shortcuts are created to give you a break from repetitive mouse gestures and innumerable clicks.
Action | Linux & Windows | Mac |
Print the current page | Ctrl + P | ⌘ + P |
Save the current page | Ctrl + S | ⌘ + S |
Reload the current page | Ctrl + R or f5 | ⌘ + R |
Reload the current page, ignoring cached content | Ctrl + Shift + R or Shift + f5 | ⌘ + Shift + R |
Stop loading | Esc | Esc |
Browse clickable items moving forward | Tab | Tab |
Browse clickable items moving backward | Shift + Tab | Shift + Tab
Open a file | Ctrl + O | ⌘ + O |
Current page source code | Ctrl + U | ⌘ + Option + U |
Bookmark current page | Ctrl + D | ⌘ + D |
Save all tabs as bookmarks | Ctrl + Shift + D | ⌘ + Shift + D |
Full-screen mode on/off | F11 | ⌘ + Ctrl + f |
Zoom in the page | Ctrl and + | ⌘ and + |
Zoom out the page | Ctrl and - | ⌘ and - |
Zoom level to default size | Ctrl + 0 | ⌘ + 0 |
Scroll down a webpage, a screen at a time | Space or PgDwn | Space |
Scroll up a webpage, a screen at a time | Shift + Space or PgUp | Shift + Space |
Go to the top of the page | Home |
Go to the bottom of the page | End |
Delete the previous word in a text field | Ctrl + Backspace | Option + Delete |
Open the Home page in the current tab | Alt + Home | ⌘ + Shift + H |
Move your cursor to the beginning of the previous word in a text field | Ctrl + Left arrow | Option + Left arrow |
Move your cursor to the next word | Ctrl + Right arrow | Option + Right arrow |
Action | Linux & Windows | Mac |
Search with default search engine | search term + Enter | search term + Return |
Search using a different search engine | search engine name and press Tab | search engine name and press Tab |
Add www. and .com to a site name, and open it in the current tab | site name + Ctrl + Enter | site name + Ctrl + Return
Add www. and .com to a site name, and open it in a new window | site name + Ctrl + Shift + Enter | site name + Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Open a new tab and perform a Search | search term + Alt + Enter |
Jump to the address bar | Ctrl + L or Alt + D or F6 | ⌘ + L |
Search from anywhere on the page | Ctrl + K or Ctrl + E |
Remove predictions from your address bar | Down arrow to highlight + Shift + Delete | Down arrow to highlight + Shift + fn + Delete |
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