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Keyboard shortcuts helps you to work fast, efficient and precise, saving your time and energy. Ulaa shortcuts are created to give you a break from repetitive mouse gestures and innumerable clicks.
Action | Linux & Windows | Mac |
Manage Modes | Ctrl + M | Ctrl + M |
Open Tabs Manger | Alt + T | Ctrl + P⌘ + Option + T |
Open Preferences | Alt + S | Ctrl + P |
Open Personal Mode | Alt + Shift + P | Option + Shift + P |
Open Work Mode | Alt + Shift + W | Option + Shift + W |
Open Developer Mode | Alt + Shift + D | Option + Shift + D |
Open Kids Mode | Alt + Shift + K | Option + Shift + K |
Open Open Season Mode | Alt + Shift + O | Option + Shift + O |
Open Incognito Mode | Ctrl + Shift + N | ⌘ + Shift + N |
Open the Ulaa menu | Alt + F or Alt + E |
Show or hide the Bookmarks bar | Ctrl + Shift + B | ⌘ + Shift + B |
Open the Bookmarks Manager | Ctrl + Shift + O | ⌘ + Option + B |
Open the History page in a new tab | Ctrl + H | ⌘ + Y |
Open the Downloads page in a new tab | Ctrl + J | ⌘ + Shift + J |
Open the Ulaa Task Manager | Shift + Esc |
Set focus on the first item in the Ulaa toolbar | Shift + Alt + T |
Set focus on the rightmost item in the Ulaa toolbar | F10 |
Open the Find Bar to search for the current page | Ctrl + f or F3
| ⌘ + F
Jump to the next match to your Find Bar search | Ctrl + G
| ⌘ + G
Jump to the previous match to your Find Bar search | Ctrl + Shift + G | ⌘ + Shift + G
Open Developer Tools | Ctrl + Shift + J or F12 | ⌘ + Option + I |
Open the Clear Browsing Data options | Ctrl + Shift + Delete | ⌘ + Shift + Delete |
Open the Ulaa Help Center in a new tab | F1 |
Turn on caret browsing | F7 | F7 |
Open New Tab to the Right | Alt+Shift+R | Options + Shift + R |
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