What data does Ulaa collect from the users?

What data does Ulaa collect from the users?

This document lists the data Ulaa browser collects and gives a detailed explanation for what purposes the data is collected and how Ulaa processes it. The data collected by Ulaa is to improve the browser experience. The user can choose not to send them by changing the browser preferences.


Ulaa collects a list of data from you directly when you use or interact with the browser. The data we collect depends on your browser settings and the choices you make while using the browser. This document mentions the list of data collected from any Ulaa user, be it an enterprise-level user or an individual user.


This action does not affect the features or any other functions of the browser.


We collect the data to:

  • Improve your browsing experience

  • To develop our product, if you choose to send 'Anonymized stats' from the browser preferences.


The below list mentions What data Ulaa collects, How we do it without causing privacy concerns to the user, Why we collect the data and Who can see the data.


Note: Only the Ulaa team can access all the data mentioned below with a few exceptional



There are few instances where the browser collects data from the user.

 Data collected for any user 

What Ulaa collects

Reason and reasoning


Browser Version

Why- To identify how frequently the users update the browser.


Note: Your currently installed browser version will be sent to Ulaa.

Version 1.23.0

Randomized Browser UID

Why- To calculate the total number of people using Ulaa.


Note: The UID's are randomly generated.


Device configuration

  • Device

  • Architecture

Why- To identify the total number of browser installations in respective devices.


Note: Configuration of your device will be sent.

(x86_64) or



Device Operating system (OS)

Why- To identify the total number of browser installations in respective operating systems.


Note: The operating system information will be collected from the user agent.



Note: This applies regardless of the user signing in, but only when 'Anonymized stats' option is not enabled from the browser preference. 

Anonymized stats- Enabled  

  1. Browser Version

  2. Randomized Browser UID

  3. Device configuration

  4. Device Operating system (OS)


Note: Apart from the above basic details, certain additional data will be collected.


What Ulaa collects

Reason and reasoning


Randomized Profile UID

Why- To know the total number of profiles created.

Note: The profile UID's are randomly generated for each profile.



Current mode

Why- To know the mode that is frequently used by the user.  

Note: Requests are made from every open mode.

Work mode

If the current mode is the default mode

Why- To know which mode is set as the default mode

Note: The mode which you have set as default.

True or False

If the user is signed in

Why- To know the total number of users who have signed into Ulaa using Zoho Account.

True if signed in or False if not


 When the user has signed into the Zoho Account   

What Ulaa collects

Reason and reasoning


Browser Version

Why- To identify the browser version of multiple devices that has Ulaa.


Version 1.23.0

Browser UID

Why- To differentiate Ulaa installed in multiple devices.

Note: The UID's are uniquely generated and non repetitive.


Profile UID

Why- To differentiate profiles created in a single device.


Note: The UID's are uniquely generated and non repetitive.

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Why- To differentiate individual users.


Note: Uniquely generated ID which is specific to the user will be collected from Zoho Accounts


Host Name

Why- To display the devices on which user has installed Ulaa.

Note: Collected from User's device.


Current mode

Why- To identify the mode that is enabled and active on each profile.

Personal or Work

If the current mode is the default mode.

Why- To identify the default mode- specific to each profile.

True or False

Device configuration

  • Device

  • Architecture

Why- To display the device configuration on which Ulaa is installed. This is specific to Mac OS, to differentiate between Mac M1 and Mac Intel.


Note: Not applicable to other OS

(x86_64) or


Device Operating system (OS)

Why- To display the OS of the devices on which user has installed Ulaa.

Note: OS information is collected from user request's user agent.


IP address

Why- To specify the device's recent past location where the browser was in use.

Note: Collected from user request's remote address.


When the user is part of an organization  

The below mentioned data applies when

  • The user is part of an organization.

  • The same organization uses Zoho products and its services.

  • The user has signed into Ulaa using the Zoho Account.


What Ulaa collects

Reason and reasoning


Browser Version

Why- To notify the users to update Ulaa.

Version 1.22.0

Browser UID

Why- To identify the number of people using Ulaa inside the organization.


Profile UID

Why- To know the total number of profiles created.



Why- To identify user's mail account and send updates about Ulaa.

How- Uniquely generated ID which is specific to the user will be collected from Zoho Accounts


Host Name

Why- To notify which device browser needs to be updated.

How- Collected from User's device


Current mode

Why- To identify the modes that are enabled and active.


If the current mode is the default mode.

Why- To identify the default mode, specific to each profile.

True or False

Device configuration

  • Device

  • Architecture

Why- To notify which device browser needs to be updated. This specific to Mac OS to differentiate between Mac M1 and Mac Intel.

Note: Not applicable to other OS


(x86_64) or


Device Operating system (OS)

Why- To display the OS of the devices on which user has installed Ulaa.


IP address

Why- To specify the device's recent past location where the browser was in use.


 The collected IP address will be encrypted.

For any additional queries or assistance reach us at https://ulaabrowser.zohodesk.com/portal/en/newticket 
Want to share your feedback? Write to us at https://ulaa.com/feedback 

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      Release cycle

      Ulaa releases a major versions (new milestone) of browser updates, new features, and bug fixes every four weeks. Know more.


      Ulaa shortcuts are created to give you a break from repetitive mouse gestures and innumerable clicks.