How does Ulaa sync work?

How does Ulaa sync work?

What is a sync? 

Sync helps you to save your info into your Zoho account, keeping your data synced across devices. You no longer have to ferry documents and files around on a separate OTG. A simple click to switch on a sync will change the way you access files. Your phone might have shut down, and you never have to wonder about the website you were reading. Pick up where you left off on another device since all the data are synced across your devices.

How do we keep your synced data safe?

When you toggle on the sync for the first time, you will be asked to create a strong passphrase. A passphrase is basically like a key to your personal vault. Nobody can read it! Even you cannot until you enter the passphrase. You hold the key to your personal vault. This is called End-to-End encryption. 

Does every mode have a separate passphrase?

Yes, Ulaa has a special feature called Mode isolation. You have to create a new passphrase for every mode to keep your data isolated and organised. Who wants to see work files in personal mode? If you say I will, then we have a choice for those workaholics too. You can sync across modes on your mobile devices. Know more

How does it work?

End-to-end encryption scrambles all your synced data (passwords, bookmarks, history and the like) and makes it unreadable, even before it leaves your device. Neither Ulaa nor the server can read your data without the passphrase.
The passphrase work like a hallway key to your house, inside which all other kinds of stuff are present. (your synced data, passwords and more). Only you will know the correct unique key (passphrase) to unlock the door, without which it is impossible to read anything. This way Ulaa secures your data. You lose the key! You lose the data too! You have to reset the passphrase. Know how
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